Sunday, July 18, 2010


Cape Blanco Lighthouse, Oregon
(c) Darlene Lyon Kruse - All Rights Reserved

David Lorenz Winston & I were on the Oregon coast a couple of weeks ago, finalizing locations for our August 28 workshop (click here for more information). We both love the elegance and stark beauty of the Cape Blanco Lighthouse.

I had photographed it from several angles that day and was looking at compositions where I could get down low when I saw these two women slowly working their way up the gentle slope, an older woman who needed some support from her younger companion. There was a gentleness, a mutual caring between them.

As they approached the lighthouse, I waited, camera on tripod, waited for them to step into a relationship with the lighthouse that resonated for me. Just below the crest of the slope, they stopped. Resting? Chatting? Waiting?

The photograph felt complete.

Photographed with Nikon D300 camera. 24-70 f/28 lens at 55mm. ISO 400. 1/90" at f/8. Circular polarizing filter. Gitzo tripod with Linhof head.


  1. Your patience paid off, big time! Yes, it's complete. This would be such a different picture with a cloudless blue sky. The soft,cloudy background adds to the overall sense of gentleness. Love this one!

  2. I like the angle you shot from - downhill looking up with a low horizon.
